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  • Writer's pictureJericho Kean

Á Skapa Sál (The Creation of Galythia)

Updated: May 29, 2021

In the beginning there was void, but it was not all dark, for amongst the void there was a light. This light was Elohim. Elohim was, is and will always be light. Elohim was beyond all comprehension of humankind. Elohim spoke a million worlds into existence, but the most favored was Galythia. Elohim spoke all of nature, land, water, plants, animals and his most prized, mankind. Elohim’s mankind not only consisted of Humankind but many other humanlike species like Elves, Dwarves, Giants, Halflings and more. Elohim looked at his creation and saw that it was good. Elohim allowed the creatures of the world the freedom of will and their own choice. But He knew that Galythia would need watching over, so he created a species of godlike creatures called Tokem. The Tokem were like Elohim but lacking the extravagant power He possessed, the power to create life. There were seven amongst the Tokem, and each represented one of Elohim's qualities. The first of them was Draugr, who watched over the spirit world of Galythia. The Second was Eior, who watched over truth and judged over the kingdoms of Galythia. The Third was Margr who watched over right and wrong and guarded the righteous in the land. The fourth was Frior, who was a keeper of peace and spread peace across all the peoples of the Galythia. The fifth Tokem was Dygo. Dygo watched over the faithful and those who were faithful to Elohim and instilled Faith in those who had not yet had it. The sixth was Heilsa who watched over the health of the people in the land and would save those when they called out to Elohim. The Final of the Tokem was Azazar who was the punisher over those who were prideful and evil in heart. Elohim and the Tokem watched over Galythia for thousands of years and the land was at peace.

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