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Our Story

Redemption Studios is an indi film studios that was founded in 2011 under the name “Not-So Amazing Studios” When some friends wanted to make some movies. This all came to be in the summer of 2011. The first film series was completed between the summers of 2011 and 2012.


It all started when Jericho Kean and his friend Grant Spears created a stop start animation LEGO movie which later inspired Jericho Kean's film making career.  We joined YouTube in 2014 and began creating content online.Over the years we have begun a YouTube Channel for our films and created a name for ourselves as the re-branded Redemption Studios. We are known for the Doctor Who Fan Film Series “Doctor Who: Regenerated,” our original series “The Adventures of Lance and Derek,” and our more recent projects like our Han Solo Fan Film, and our original Armor of God series. We hope you will check out our YouTube channel for all of our awesome content!






Our Founder

Meet our founder Jericho Kean Rose, Jericho grew up in northeast Ohio in the United States with a passion for creativity and story telling. From creating adventures and story lines with LEGO's to creating live action shorts with his friends Jericho never ran out of creativity. 

© Redemption Studios                                                                                            

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